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IIT Delhi establishes School of AI

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has established 'Yardi School of Artificial Intelligence (ScAI)' on its campus. The Yardi School of Artificial Intelligence (ScAI) aims to cement IIT Delhi’s leadership position in India and considerably improve its global standing.



IITD alumnus Anant Yardi donates USD 10 Milllion to ScAI

Mr Anant Yardi, President and Founder of Yardi Systems, and an alumnus of IIT Delhi, has agreed to gift USD 10 million (Rs ~75 Cr) to IIT Delhi.


IIT-Delhi launches AI school(TOI)

IIT-Delhi announced the establishment of School of Artificial Intelligence on its campus. The school will begin its PhD programme in January.


IITD alumnus Anant Yardi donates USD 10 Milllion to ScAI

Mr Anant Yardi, President and Founder of Yardi Systems, and an alumnus of IIT Delhi, has agreed to gift USD 10 million (Rs ~75 Cr) to IIT Delhi.


ScAI welcomes applications from strongly motivated students who want to pursue their Ph.D. in the areas of both core AI and applied AI.
Link for Admissions

ScAI welcomes applications for post doctoral and faculty positions in the areas of both core AI and applied AI. For details please contact hodscai[AT]
Link for Post



Alumni / Well Wisher