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Support Us

IIT Delhi sees alumni as important stakeholders, who have played a critical role in the progress of the Institute. Alumni have contributed to the growth of the Institute through their financial and non-financial resources. The Institute sees the establishment of ScAI as a bold step which will not only strengthen IIT Delhi's academic and research credentials but also enable the nation in its journey in scientific and technological advancements. IIT Delhi is inviting its alumni to be a part of the "League of Founding Donors" to the School of Artificial Intelligence. The League will remain "Founders Forever". The League of Founding Donors will be a privileged group who will help ScAI start its journey, awarding scholarships to ambitious students, enabling the school to attract the best faculty in AI, enabling the faculty and students to attend global and domestic conferences, setting up chair professorships, and strengthening research.

If you are interested in this endeavour, please write to for more details.

Title Donor

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Anant Yardi

Title Donor

President and Founder of Yardi Systems

League of Founding Donors

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Arun Duggal


Chairman at ICRA Limited

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Pioneer Founder

Company - Internet